I enjoy making up electronic kits and also I am a fan of the Arduino, now its very easy to build one on a breadboard with schematics available on the internet and its not that difficult to create a board and make your own version.
In this article we look at the open-smart NFC shield, this is basically a MFRC522 based RFID Reader Module which has been added to a basic shield.
In this article we look at 10 sensors and modules that you can use with an Arduino and various other micro controllers and development boards like the ESP32, ESP8266 and the Raspberry Pi that cost under $2
THE MQ-3 is suitable for detecting Alcohol, Benzine, CH4, Hexane, LPG, CO. The sensitivity of the sensor can be adjusted by using the potentiometer.
In this example we will create a simple traffic light system with a micro:bit. This is fairly simple and at a basic level involves switching red, amber and green LEDs on and off at certain time intervals.
The Easy Module Shield in my opinion is one of the best shields you can buy for your Arduino Uno, the shield consists of the following features Two pushbutton switches Two…