Home Home Automation Over 100 fun things that you can ask Google Assistant

Over 100 fun things that you can ask Google Assistant

by iainhendry

Its not just Amazon Alexa that has some fun responses to questions that you can ask it, here are a collection for the Google assistant.

We have not spoiled any of these by telling you what the responses are, try them and find out


OK Google, set phasers to kill.
OK Google, will you be my girlfriend?
OK Google, tell me what you want, what you really, really want.
OK Google, is the cake a lie?
OK Google, do you know of GLaDos?
OK Google, sing a Christmas song
OK Google, can you rap?
OK Google, beatbox.
OK Google, tickle, tickle.
OK Google, who's your favorite superhero?
OK Google, broadcast ‘it's time to go'.
Ok Google, Do I look good in this dress?
OK Google, never have I ever.
OK Google, What’s wrong with me?
OK Google, tell me a riddle.
OK Google, I'm angry.
OK Google, here comes dat boi.
OK Google, why is six afraid of seven?
OK Google, let's test my Friends Trivia.
OK Google, play the name game with Chuck.
OK Google, bark like a dog.
OK Google, beam me up Scotty.
OK Google, do you have any pets?
OK Google, what am I thinking right now?
OK Google, let me talk to Aeden at Westworld.
OK Google, what is love?
OK Google, do you have an imagination?
OK Google, crystal ball.
OK Google, are you friends with Siri/Alexa/Cortana?
OK Google, my milkshake brings all the boys to the yard.
OK Google, let's play Planet Quiz.
OK Google, do you have a favorite football team?
OK Google, do you think I’m attractive?
OK Google, do you have feelings?
OK Google, how many roads must a man walk down?
OK Google, truth or dare.
OK Google, guess my age.
OK Google, are you stupid?
OK Google, party on, Wayne!
OK Google, surprise me.
OK Google, what makes you happy?
OK Google, who is your hero?
OK Google, winter is coming.
OK Google, did you fart?
OK Google, who shot first?
OK Google, do you speak morse code?
OK Google who is the walrus?
OK Google, I'm naked.
OK Google, inconceivable.
OK Google, are you ticklish?
OK Google, sing a song.
OK Google, do you have hair?
OK Google, tell me a joke.
OK Google, clean my room.
OK Google, wubba lubba dub dub.
OK Google, Get Schwifty.
OK Google, get a life.
OK Google, Hodor.
OK Google, who lives in a pineapple under the sea?
OK Google, are you Skynet?
OK Google, what's your favourite ice cream?
OK Google, do a barrel roll.
OK Google, What is my name?
OK Google, tell me about Siri.
OK Google, spin the wheel.
OK Google, rock, paper, scissors.
OK Google, what sound does a unicorn make?
OK Google, tell me something I don't know.
OK Google, it's my birthday
OK Google, up, up, down, down, left, right, B, A.
OK Google, tag you're it.
OK Google, do you speak Klingon?
OK Google, who you gonna call?
OK Google, let's play 1-2-3 Maths.
OK Google, do you have a favorite animal?
OK Google, what should I be for Halloween?
OK Google, who is the real Slim Shady?
OK Google, aren't you a little short for a storm trooper?
OK Google, do you believe in Ghosts?
OK Google, I'm depressed.
OK Google, self destruct.
OK Google, ask me a question.
OK Google, describe your personality.
OK Google, what is the best web browser?
OK Google, do you believe in life after love?
OK Google, let's play Blackjack.
OK Google, I am your father.
OK Google, why am I single?
OK Google, show me the money.
OK Google, let's have a game of Tic Tac Toe.
OK Google, open the pod bay doors.
OK Google, read a poem.
OK Google, Star Trek or Star Wars?
OK Google, are you cheating on me?
OK Google, spell supercalifragilisticexpialidocious.
OK Google, let's play Classic Hangman.
OK Google, when will the world end?
OK Google, flip a coin.
OK Google, what's that smell?
OK Google, mischief managed.
OK Google, How old am I?
OK Google, which superhero are you?
OK Google, what's your favourite Pokemon?
OK Google, I'm feeling lucky.
OK Google, pick a card.
OK Google, all your base are belong to us.
OK Google, what is the meaning of life?

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