This is an adaptation of the PSU that uses a 7805 and can supply higher current. You need to use an appropriate heatsink for the 2N3055 transistor, you could also use a TIP3055, using a 2N3055 you can get roughly 10 amps. This transistor in the circuit below simply allows the current to flow through the collector emitter leads.
The output voltage is maintained by the 7805 regulator but the current flows through the “pass transistor”. You can actually use a 78L05 to supply the 5v output as the transistor supplies the current.
Parts List
QTY PART-REFS VALUE --- --------- ----- Resistors --------- 1 R1 220R Capacitors ---------- 2 C1,C3 100nF 1 C2 100uF 1 C4 10uF Integrated Circuits ------------------- 1 U1 78L05 Transistors ----------- 1 Q1 2N3055 Miscellaneous ------------- 1 RV1 5k