Lets press a button and then display a happy face with button A pressed and a sad face if button B is pressed
Python Code
# To run this code on CodeBug, visit: # # http://www.codebug.org.uk/learn/activity/66/tethering-codebug-with-python/#step585 # import codebug_tether from codebug_tether import (IO_DIGITAL_OUTPUT, IO_DIGITAL_INPUT, IO_PWM_OUTPUT, IO_ANALOG_INPUT) from codebug_tether.sprites import Sprite display = None display_1 = None codebug = codebug_tether.CodeBug() codebug.set_leg_io(0, IO_DIGITAL_INPUT); codebug.set_leg_io(1, IO_DIGITAL_INPUT); codebug.set_leg_io(2, IO_DIGITAL_INPUT); codebug.set_leg_io(3, IO_DIGITAL_INPUT); codebug.set_leg_io(4, IO_DIGITAL_INPUT); codebug.set_leg_io(5, IO_DIGITAL_INPUT); codebug.set_leg_io(6, IO_DIGITAL_INPUT); codebug.set_leg_io(7, IO_DIGITAL_INPUT); def build_sprite(rows): s = Sprite(5, 5) for i in range(5): s.set_row(i, rows[i]) return s display = build_sprite([0b01110,0b10001,0b00000,0b00100,0b10001]) display_1 = build_sprite([0b10001,0b01110,0b00000,0b00100,0b10001]) while True: if codebug.get_input('A') == 1: codebug.draw_sprite(0, 0, display); if codebug.get_input('B') == 1: codebug.draw_sprite(0, 0, display_1);
Javascript Code
var display; var display_1; codebug_direction('U'); codebug_sleepafter(5); io_configure(0, IO_DIGITAL_INPUT); io_configure(1, IO_DIGITAL_INPUT); io_configure(2, IO_DIGITAL_INPUT); io_configure(3, IO_DIGITAL_INPUT); io_configure(4, IO_DIGITAL_INPUT); io_configure(5, IO_DIGITAL_INPUT); io_configure(6, IO_DIGITAL_INPUT); io_configure(7, IO_DIGITAL_INPUT); io_configure_pullup(0, 0); io_configure_pullup(2, 0); io_configure_pullup(3, 0); io_configure_pullup(4, 0); io_configure_pullup(5, 0); display = sprite_build([[0, 1, 1, 1, 0], [1, 0, 0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0, 0, 1]]); display_1 = sprite_build([[1, 0, 0, 0, 1], [0, 1, 1, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0, 0, 1]]); while (true) { if (io_get_input('A') == 1) { fivebyfivedisplay.sprite_render(0, 0, display); fivebyfivedisplay.update(); } if (io_get_input('B') == 1) { fivebyfivedisplay.sprite_render(0, 0, display_1); fivebyfivedisplay.update(); } }