As much as its great fun designing your own 3d models to print sometimes you do not have the time or you may just want to try and get some inspiration from others. The following sites offer a variety of free and paid 3d models that you can easily download and do what you want with.
Its the holiday season and a lot of people will get an Amazon Alexa device for christmas but Alexa is not all about serious questions and answers there is a fun side to it as well with many amusing easter eggs and responses to certain questions, in this article we will show you 200 things to Ask Alexa.
I enjoy making up electronic kits and also I am a fan of the Arduino, now its very easy to build one on a breadboard with schematics available on the internet and its not that difficult to create a board and make your own version.
In this article we look at the open-smart NFC shield, this is basically a MFRC522 based RFID Reader Module which has been added to a basic shield.
A key part of your electronics kit is a good soldering iron, I’ve wasted money on cheap useless soldering irons but eventually I found a good temperature adjustable, lcd display with plenty of different tips available brand.
Arduino Uno Pinout Specifications Microcontroller ATmega328P Operating Voltage 5V Input Voltage (recommended) 7-12V Input Voltage (limit) 6-20V Digital I/O Pins 14 (of which 6 provide PWM output) PWM…