An open source power supply based on the LM317, the voltages are switchable using SW2 Parts List Part Value Device Package Description C1 100uF CAP_POLPTH1 CPOL-RADIAL-100UF-25V Capacitor Polarized C2 10uF…
A DIY Arduino board which you can etchby hand and solder it together. It is pin-compatible with the Arduino Diecimila, and should work with any Arduino shield. EAGLE files (.zip)…
the Freeduino Serial, designed by NKC Electronics Derived under CC2.5 from the Freeduino files above and the Arduino Serial 2.0 schematic Download Eagle files for the schematic and the board…
Schematics of a phase control circuit (simplified), used for dimming a light Source : wikipedia
As shown in the schematic above, when a inductor coil L1 is brought near the wire carrying the audio signal, the audio signal will be induced into the coil and…
Flash the ACT led from the command line, this tip was sent to me so I gave it a try, you could this in a script. The LED in question…