Home Arduino Arduino and RGB led examples

Arduino and RGB led examples

by iainhendry

In this article we simply show you 4 examples using an RGB LED connected  to an Arduino

The RGB led we had was a common anode type, so if you only have common cathode one's available you will have to modify the code examples later on

RGB LEDs are tri-color LEDs with red, green, and blue emitters, in general using a four-wire connection with one common lead (anode or cathode).


We used an all in one module but its connected something like this

Red Pin -> Arduino Pin 9
Green Pin ->Arduino Pin 10
Blue Pin -> Arduino Pin 11
Common Anode -> Arduino 5v

This shows what we mean, this is based on building the circuit with individual components. There are several RGB LED modules which make connection easy – no breadboards.

arduino and rgb led

arduino and rgb led

Parts List


Description Link
Arduino Uno 1pcs UNO R3 CH340G+MEGA328P for Arduino UNO R3 (NO USB CABLE)
RGB LED breakout 1pcs RGB LED Breakout Module RGB LED Module RGB module
connecting wire 40pcs Dupont jumper wire cable 30cm male to male,female to female,male to female Dupont jump wire line 2.54mm breadboard cable


Code Examples

We have 4 fairly simple code examples that will flash various colours

Example 1

[codesyntax lang=”cpp”]
//cycle through red, green and blue
void setup()
pinMode(9, OUTPUT);
pinMode(10, OUTPUT);
pinMode(11, OUTPUT);
//common anode type
digitalWrite(9, HIGH);
digitalWrite(10, HIGH);
digitalWrite(11, HIGH);

void loop()
digitalWrite(9, LOW); // red on
digitalWrite(9, HIGH); //red off
digitalWrite(10, LOW); //green on
digitalWrite(10, HIGH); //green off
digitalWrite(11, LOW); //blue on
digitalWrite(11, HIGH); //blue off


Example 2

[codesyntax lang=”cpp”]
//random red, green and blue

long randNumber;

void setup()
pinMode(9, OUTPUT);
pinMode(10, OUTPUT);
pinMode(11, OUTPUT);
//common anode type
digitalWrite(9, HIGH);
digitalWrite(10, HIGH);
digitalWrite(11, HIGH);

void loop()
randNumber = random(9, 12); //random 9,10 or 11
digitalWrite(randNumber, LOW);
digitalWrite(randNumber, HIGH);


Example 3

[codesyntax lang=”cpp”]
//fading red, green and blue
void setup()
pinMode(9, OUTPUT);
pinMode(10, OUTPUT);
pinMode(11, OUTPUT);

void loop()
for(int r = 0; r < 255; r++)
analogWrite(9, r);
for(int g = 0; g < 255; g++)
analogWrite(10, g);
for(int b = 0; b < 255; b++)
analogWrite(11, b);


Example 4

[codesyntax lang=”cpp”]
long redNumber;
long greenNumber;
long blueNumber;

void setup()
pinMode(9, OUTPUT);
pinMode(10, OUTPUT);
pinMode(11, OUTPUT);

void loop()
redNumber = random(256);
greenNumber = random(256);
blueNumber = random(256);
analogWrite(9, redNumber);
analogWrite(10, greenNumber);
analogWrite(11, blueNumber);



A video showing the examples above

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